Bachelor studies

The bachelor studies at the Department of History is full-time study lasting four years, ie. eight semesters. It equals 240 ECTS credits, and lectures are held in the winter and summer semesters lasting fifteen weeks each. Lectures are conducted in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in practice mainly in Bosnian.
At the bachelor studies, lectures and seminars are taught by six employees of the University of Tuzla, of which five are doctors of science and one is a teaching assistant. In addition to them, external associates, as well as experts from practice, participate in the teaching process.
The study is performed so that one year of study covers one historical period - the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary. In each year of study and in each semester, students listen to courses in general, regional and national history. In addition to these, there are other subjects that complement the study, including subjects from the pedagogical group, and elective subjects that are subject to change.
Upon completion of the first cycle of studies, the student acquires the academic or professional title of bachelor of history.
The right to participate in the Competition for enrollment in the study of History have candidates citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, foreign citizens and stateless persons with completed four years of high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as candidates who graduated from high school outside Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the procedure of nostrification, ie equivalence, it was determined that they have completed the appropriate secondary education. The classification and selection of candidates for enrollment is based on the results of the entrance exam and other criteria in accordance with the procedures determined by the Senate of the University of Tuzla.

Curriculum 2019/20.

Introduction to history I
General archaeology
History of Ancient East
History of Ancient Greece and the Hellenism
Introduction to history II
Archaeology of Bosnia-Herzegovina
History of Ancient Rome
History of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Antiquities
History of cultural and scientific institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina/a>
General history of the Middle ages I
History of Southeastern Europe in the Middle ages I
History of the medieval Bosnian state I
Auxilliary sciences of history I
History of religions I
General history of the Middle ages II
History of Southeastern Europe in the Middle ages II
History of the medieval Bosnian state II
Auxilliary sciences of history II
History of religions II
General Early modern history I (1492-1789)
History of lands of Southeastern Europe from 1453. until the end of the 18th century
History of Bosnia-Herzegovina under Ottoman rule until the end of the 18th century
History of diplomacy
General Modern history II (1789-1918)
History of lands of Southeastern Europe in the 19th century
History of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 19th century
Archivistics and archival praxis
Institutions of the Ottoman Empire
General Contemporary history I
Contemporary history of lands of Southeastern Europe I
History of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the age of Austro-Hungarian administration
Teaching history I
History of European integrations
General Contemporary history II
Contemporary history of lands of Southeastern Europe II
History of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 20th century
Teaching history II
History of genocide

Curriculum 2023/24.

Obligatory subjects (L-S-ECTS)

Introduction to history I (3-1-4)
General archaeology (2-3-6)
Ancient civilizations of the East (3-3-8)
History of ancient Greece and the Hellenism (3-3-8)
Bosnian language (2-0-2)
Sociology (2-0-2)
Introduction to history II (3-1-4)
Archaeology of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2-3-5)
History of ancient Rome (3-3-8)
History of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Antiquities (3-2-7)
Psychology (2-1-3)
Latin language (2-0-3)

Obligatory subjects (L-S-ECTS)

Europe and the world in the Middle ages (3-2-7)
Bosnia in the Middle ages I (3-2-7)
Adriatic region in the Middle ages (2-2-5)
Auxilliary sciences of history (2-2-4)
Pedagogy with didactics (2-1-3)
History of religions I (2-0-2)
Civilization of the European Middle ages (3-3-7)
Bosnia in the Middle ages II (3-3-7)
Southeastern Europe (500-1500) [2-2-6]
History of the Byzantine Empire (3-2-6)
History of religions II (2-0-2)

Elective subjects (L-S-ECTS)

Diplomatics of the medieval Bosnian charters (2-0-2)
The church of Bosnia (2-0-2)
Historical geography (2-0-2)
Culture and civilization (2-0-2)
Introduction to local and global history (2-0-2)

Obligatory subjects (L-S-ECTS)

World history of the Early modern age (4-3-8)
Southeastern Europe in the Early modern age (3-2-7)
Bosnian and Herzegovina in the Early modern age (4-3-8)
Philosophy (2-0-3)
German language (2-0-2)
World history of the 19th century (1789-1870) [3-2-7]
World history of the 19th century (1870-1918) [2-1-4]
Southeastern Europe in the 19th century (4-2-7)
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 19th century (4-2-7)
Archivistics and archival practice (2-1-3)

Elective subjects (L-S-ECTS)

History of diplomacy (2-0-2)
English language (2-0-2)
Cultural history of the Modern age (2-0-2)
History of cultural and scientific institutions
in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2-0-2)

Obligatory subjects (L-S-ECTS)

World history of the contemporary age I (4-2-8)
Southeastern Europe in the contemporary age I (3-2-7)
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period of 
Austro-Hungarian administration (3-2-5)
Teaching history I (2-2-4)
Culture and society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
in the postottoman age (1878-1914) [2-1-4]
Svjetska historija savremenog doba II (4-2-8)
Southeastern Europe in the contemporary age II
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 20th century (5-3-9)
Teaching history II (2-2-4)

Elective subjects (L-S-ECTS)

History of European integrations (2-0-2)
History of international relations (2-0-2)
American-Soviet relations (1917-1991) [2-0-2]
History of genocide (2-0-2)
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Tihomila Markovića 1, 75000 Tuzla